Full-Duplex MIMO techniques for the future wireless networks

Full-duplex consists in transmitting and receiving simultaneously in the same frequency band, which in theory allows to double the capacity of communication. DUPLEX project objectives are:

  • to study the theoretical limits (throughput) of full-duplex communication equipment, and in particular in the case of a Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs (MIMO) equipment
  • to develop antenna techniques, analog and digital processing for the cancellation of the transmitted signal at the receiver
  • to develop a MIMO full-duplex communication equipment (prototype) for the next generation of communications.

The project will address two scenarios:

  • full-duplex communication between two communication nodes. In this case, the signal cancellation device uses the knowledge of signal, assumed to be known
  • full-duplex relaying, in which the relay processes, amplifies and retransmits the received signal in the same band. In this scenario, several cases will be considered depending on the information to be relayed (i.e. decodable or not).

The project is divided into 5 tasks or work packages:

  • The first task will consider the overall system aspects of the DUPLEX project. The refinement of the target scenario and the system requirements specification, taking into account real use cases and constraints, will be the starting point for the project implementation. Led by industrial partners, this task will ensure a consistent project development under common scope, requirements and working assumptions. The target system definition will indeed impose important constraints like for example the radio environment, the radio access technologies characteristics, the amount of available spectrum, the power available for transmissions, the required sensitivity and dynamics of the equipment, the number of antennas and any other relevant parameters
  • Task 2 (digital cancellation) aims to go beyond the state of the art in terms of digital techniques for self-interference cancellation.
  • Task 3 (analogue techniques) is devoted to the development of analogue techniques, including the design and implementation of antennas and circuits.
  • Task 4 (prototyping) is dedicated to the integration of all the hardware and software parts developed (in Tasks 2 and 3) in the hardware MIMO platform OpenAirInterface (www.openairinterface.org), which is an existing Software Defined Radio platform developed by EURECOM. Furthermore, this task also aims to test and validate the system in laboratory conditions.
  • Finally, task 5 (dissemination, communications) aims to promote the scientific results of the project and to disseminate the reusable results for future industrialization.


Key facts :



Contact : dominique.nussbaum@eurecom.fr


Campus SophiaTech, Les Templiers,

450 Route des Chappes, 06410 Biot

Tel : +33 (0) 4 9300 8163

Fax : +33 (0) 4 9300 8200

Link to the internal repository (partners only) : https://bscw.eurecom.fr/bscw/bscw.cgi/493525