Awards and service

A couple of recognitions

1) 2021 Winner of the Grand Prix for Research awarded by IMT-French Academy of Sciences.

2) 2019 Winner of "Fundamental Research Project of the Year" awarded by the French SCS (Secured Communications) Research and Industry Cluster

3) Nominated in one of three finalists teams for the 2016 European Inventor of The Year Award, together with my co-authors Prof Paulraj (Lead inventor, Stanford), and Prof Heath (UT Texas).  Our patents (EP1198963, EP1240730) have been selected, for key contributions to Faster Wireless Connectivity through MIMO technology in cellular networks.  See articles in the press here (in French newspaper "Les Echos") and in english here.

4) Wins 2015 European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant for the "PERFUME" project

5) Named in 2014 Thomson-Reuters List of Highly Cited Researchers in Computer Science

6) IEEE Fellow, 2011


Paper Awards:

2019 Best Paper Award, IEEE International Conference on Communications, Shanghai, China.

2017 Best Paper Award, European Wireless (EW2017) Conference, Dresden.

2015 Best Tutorial Paper Award, IEEE Communications Society

2012 Best Paper Award, IEEE SPS Signal Processing Magazine

2011 Best Student Paper Award (Student: Arun Singh), IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications.

2005 Young Author Best Paper Award, Signal Proc. Society (Young Author: Tobias Dahl)

2004 Best Tutorial Paper Award, IEEE Communications Society

2004 Best Paper Award at the ACM MSWiM workshop.


Best thesis awards:

Antonio Bazco received the 2017 Best MSc Thesis award from Spanish Government following his MSc project work in our group.

Two of my chinese PhD students (Haifan Yin, 2015 and Xinping Yi, 2014) received the Chinese Government Award for Best PhD Thesis for a Chinese Students Abroad.


Conference organization

General Chair, the 2020 6G Wireless Foundations Forum, July 2020, Sophia Antipolis, France

General Chair, The IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, Cannes, France, 2019, France

Program co-Chair, ITG 2017 Workshop on Smart Antennas, Berlin, Germany

Program co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2017, Paris.

Program Chair, IEEE International Symposium on Turbo-Codes, Sept. 2016, Brest, France

General co-Chair, 2014 GlobalSIP Symposium on Massive MIMO, Atlanta, Georgia.

General Chair, IEEE Communications Theory Workshop, 2013, Phuket, Thailand.

Program Chair, Communication Theory Symposium, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2013, Budapest, Hungary.

Program Chair, Fundamentals Track, IEEE PIMRC 2008, Cannnes, France.

Program Chair, RAWNET’08 Workshop on Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks, 2008, Berlin, Germany.

Program Chair and co-organizer, IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, Cannes, 2006.

Program Chair, Smart Antenna Workshop, 1998, Stanford University, CA.


Keynote and tutorial speaker

Keynote speaker at the 12th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Sept. 2019, Paris, France

Keynote speaker at IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems, Bologna, Italy, 2017.

Keynote speaker, 2016 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications (TIW16)

Tutorial speaker at IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Edinburgh, 2016.

Keynote speaker Seventh Nordic Workshop on System and Network Optimization for Wireless, 2016, Cortina, Italy.

Tutorial speaker at the IEEE ICASSP Conference, 2014, Firenze, Italy.

Keynote speaker at the IEEE International Conference on Communication, 2013, Budapest.

Tutorial speaker at IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), Darmstadt, Germany, 2013.

Tutorial speaker at IEEE Wireless Communicatins and Networking Conference (WCNC), Paris, 2012.

Keynote speaker at Sixth IEEE Workshop on Advanced Information Processing for Wireless Communication Systems

Keynote speaker at IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems, Bristol, England, 2010.

Keynote speaker at IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems 2007, Trondheim, Norway.

Tutorial presenter at IEEE PIMRC Conference, Athens, Sept. 2007

Tutorial presenter at the IEEE ICASSP Conference, 2005 Toulouse, France.


Special Issues organized as Guest Editor

  1. Special issue on "Machine Learning for Wireless Communications Networks", Lead Editor (with Paul de Kerret, Deniz Gunduz, Mihaela van der Schaar, Nikolaos Sidiropoulos, Chandra Murthy), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, December 2019.
  2. Special issue on "Integrating Unmanned Aerial Vehicles into 5G Communications Networks" (together with Yong Zeng, Jie Xu, Ismail Guvenc, Jin Shi Merouane Debbah), IEEE WIireless Communications Magazine, 2018.
  3. Special issue on "Signal Processing for Large Scale MIMO Communications" (together with G. Li, L. Swindlehurst, A. Ashikhmin, R. Zhang), IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing. 2014.
  4. Special issue on “Cooperative Communications in MIMO Cellular Networks” (together with S. Hanly, S. Shamai, H. Huang, W. Yu), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2010. Lead Editor.
  5. Special Issue on “Exploiting Limited Feedback in Tomorrow’s Wireless Communications Networks” (together with D. Love, R. Heath, V. Lau, B. Rao, M. Andrews), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, October 2008.
  6. Special Issue on “MIMO transmission with limited feedback” (together with M. Rupp, A. Perez, C. Mecklenbrauker),  EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2008.
  7. Special issue on “Advances in Smart Antennas”, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Aug. 2006, together with (A. Lozano, A. Goldsmith, M. Lagunas, R. Valenzuela)
  8. Special Issue on “System Integration Oriented Transceiver Designs for Wireless Networks beyond 3G” (together with S. Affes, J. Benesty, L. Mailaender, M. Sawahashi),  EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Issue 11, 2005.
  9. Special Issue on “MIMO Systems” (together with M. Shafi, D.S. Shiu, P. J. Smith), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, April 2003 (Part 1) and June 2003 (Part 2).