Joining our group

As of early 2021, the group is currently actively looking for (i) PhD, (ii) Postdocs.

I am generally interested in collaborating with passionate, skilled scientists in the area of

  • Information and communication theory
  • Signal processing and wireless networking
  • (distributed) Optimization, game and team decision theory
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning (ML) for wireless
  • Wireless-aided ML (federated learning)
  • Autonomous (learning) devices such as connected and cooperative robots/drones.
  • Energy-efficient communication and learning
  • Experimentation of the above

PhD research positions at EURECOM are offered within the limits of funding. Open (funded) positions will be announced here when available. However, if you think you have exceptional talents, feel free to contact me at anytime.

Open PhD position (funded from Interdisciplinary Institute on Artificial Intelligence Chair)

David Gesbert's research proposal titled "Internet of Learning Thing: A machine learning approach to future IoT networks” by selected by France's Interdisciplinary Institue on Artificial Intelligence (3IA) to receive Chair funding. The funds are awarded by 3IA, a government backed research cluster dedicated to artificial intelligence and  located in Sophia-Antipolis. In the context of this Chair, a PhD position is offered to work in the area of AI-driven internet of things.

Offered thesis topic: Learning and coordination at the wireless edge in future IoT


Open PhD positions (funded from our 6G Chair)

Several PhD positions are now available in the areas of (i) Robotics and RF sensing, (ii) Machine learning-aided wireless and Federated learning, (iii) Green (energy-efficient) communication and learning.

Open Postdoc positions (funded from our 6G Chair)


Several Postdoc positions are now available in the areas of (i) Robotics and RF sensing, (ii) Machine learning-aided wireless and Federated learning, (iii) Green (energy-efficient) communication and learning.


Open Faculty positions  

In addition to the above positions, several permanent faculty positions are now also open at the department level. Please email me to enquire. These are E.E. research and teaching assistant professor-level positions, with a general emphasis on 6G wireless research. We particularly welcome candidates with interests in one of more of the following domains: (i) Robotics and RF sensing, (ii) Machine learning-aided wireless and Federated learning, (iii) Green (energy-efficient) communication and learning.



Best thesis awards:

If you join our group, you should ideally aim at at best thesis award :-). Here are some examples:

Antonio Bazco received the 2017 Best MSc Thesis award from Spanish Government following his MSc project work in our group.

Two of my chinese PhD students (Haifan Yin, 2015 and Xinping Yi, 2014) received the Chinese Government Award for Best PhD Thesis for a Chinese Students Abroad.



How to apply, generally speaking:

Do email me with the following complete information

  1. Motivation email
  2. Full CV (especially showing your expertise in the field, either in the form of courses or projects, your grades and ranking in the coureses of interest)
  3. 2 or 3 References (people who have supervised you and would agree to send a recommendation letter).

Sorry: As many other professors, i receive more requests than what i can possibly handle. I apologize if you received a delayed answer or no answer at all.

Some advice about housing

If you're admitted as PhD or Postdoc, Eurecom can offer some help in securing initial housing. If you are coming from outside the region, the most likely solution for you will be to start with a student residence close to EURECOM, possibly moving elsewhere later. 

Some concrete advice from Georgios Ropokis and Paul de Kerret can be found HERE.

Some advice about starting a career in research

Hopefully you will get from the below some idea of why it might (or not) be a good idea for you to steer into a research career. The most frequently asked questions about PhD and a researcher's career and their answers below only reflect my own views on the topic! If you have more questions, feel free to walk by my office...

What is research?

You know you've done good research if only you have either

a) solved one of other people's problems, or

b) convinced other people to adopt one of your problems.


Why do a PhD: FAQ

  • What career will the PhD introduce me to?

Having a PhD is mandatory to start a career as an academic researcher (university prof, research director, etc.) and is strongly recommended in the case of a research engineer or if you want to manage a research lab in the industry.  Of course, once with a Phd, many other routes can be followed later on, including high tech entrepreneur etc.

  • Highlights of the researcher's job?
  1. Need passion for a scientific topic or set of scientific topics
  2. Great  flexibility in choosing your topic of work and way of working
  3. High level of independence (like an artist with a monthly paycheck!)
  4. Ability to create network of collaborators throughout the world
  5. Traveling to conferences to present your findings
  6. Coaching students and other researchers
  7. Often these days, interacting with industry to obtain research contracts
  8. Lower pay than business or industry profesionals (hey, there is no free lunch!) 
  • What skills does it require (or at least that are required in my group)?
  1. Intellectual creativity
  2. Passion
  3. Scientific rigor
  4. Patience and calm
  5. Excellent (English) oral and written presentation skills
  6. For students, a very good academic record in the courses related to the considered research topic
  • When do I start my PhD?

 As early as right after your Masters of Science or equivalent engineer degree (in the same area as the PhD). A couple of years of experience in industry can be ok too.

  • When do I start thinking and preparing for my PhD?

Assuming you have the skills above (or most of them) the limiting factor to start your PhD is to find funding to cover your salary. Getting funding involves finding a supervisor and a topic first. The process above may take up to a year (and no less than a couple of months) so it is a good idea to go discuss with a potential supervisor as soon as possible so he/she can start the fund raising process.

  • How do I pick my topic?

You need to choose between a fundamental research topic or an applied, industry related topic. The final topic is the result of a discussion between you and the supervisor. The topics I offer cover problems in signal processing, communications theory and wireless networking.

  • How long will it last?

    Usually, no less than 2.5 years, no more than 4 years (in France), most likely 3 years or 3.5 years.

  • Do i need to teach during the PhD?

At EURECOM, normally not. You simply do your research, as a professional. You will follow some courses, and may wish to help with some teaching here and there if you are interested.

  • What are the requirements to obtain the degree?

You're expected to collect enough findings within your topic to be able to publish 1-2 journal papers and 2-4 conference papers. There is no grade. It is by the number of publications and more importantly by their scientific impact (how many other researchers read and refer to them) that you will be judged. You must summarize your results in a report and "defend" orally your PhD in front of a jury.The challenge is not to obtain the degree, it is make yourself visible in the research community in order to start your career.