Performance analysis of 4G LTE sidelink communication applied in railway system

Yan, Jin: Härri, Jérôme

The Wireless Train Backbone (WLTB) is an evolution of the Ethernet Train Backbone
(ETB) that permits direct consist-to-consist communications in wireless technology. Although current internal train communications are mostly reliant on wired networks, in
order to offer harmonised inter-operability connection with other train to ground communication applications, it is essential to integrate wireless communication into WLTB. Since 4G LTE technology is currently most widely deployed over all type of applications due to its maturity and its efficient radio access management, this can be a solution for this issue. In this study we analyze the performance of LTE Sidelink communication under different realistic based scenarios for WLTB by implement related scenarios and simulate in a ns3-based simulator. The goal of this analysis is to highlight the capability that LTE V2X SL communication support and also demonstrate the difficulties it experiences under challenging circumstances. Obtained results indicate that 4G LTE is a potential technology for end devices communication in the train communicatoin, however performance suffers under certain rigorous situations.

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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