Optimal UAV relay placement for single user capacity maximization over terrain with obstacles

Chen, Junting; Mitra, Urbashi; Gesbert, David

The problem of optimal unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) placement in a constrained 3-D space to build a connection between a base station (BS) and a ground user is studied. The essential challenge is to avoid signal propagation blockage from the target user, while maintaining a good connection to the BS. Most existing work is based on stochastic terrain models, and hence the quality-of-service for a specific user was not guaranteed. In contrast, this paper seeks the optimal UAV position according to the actual terrain structure; to this end, a multisegment propagation model is exploited. Using a novel angular coordinate transformation, a low complexity search algorithm is developed, where the search time is bounded for arbitrary terrain shapes. The paper also examines and proves the global optimality of the search algorithm. Numerical experiments are performed over a real-world urban topology and demonstrate superior performance gain of the UAV position found by the proposed algorithm. 

Communication systems
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