A novel framework for the utilisation of dynamic relays in cellular networks

Papadogiannis, Agisilaos;Hardouin, Eric;Saadani, Ahmed; Gesbert, David; Layec, Patricia

Cooperative diversity has recently attracted the attention as it is promising for boosting performance of future wireless systems without compromising the desired high spectral efficiency. However, utilisation of dynamic relays in a cellular network (user terminals act as relay nodes) is very challenging since it comes together with resource constraints, increased signaling overhead and complexity. In this contribution a novel framework is presented which exploits dynamic relays in a cellular network under the presence of inter-cell interference while keeping overheads at an affordable level. It is shown that under the proposed framework, relay assisted transmission significantly improves performance. Furthermore, global power constraints are met while low signaling overhead and complexity are maintained with the use of thresholds.




Pacific Grove
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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