Optimal location of intermodal freight hubs

Racunica, Illia;Wynter, Laura
Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 39 (5): 453-477 June 2005

We present an optimization model that has been developed to address the problem of increasing the share of rail in intermodal transport through the use of hub-and-spoke type networks for freight rail. The model defined is a generalization of the hub location problem in that it allows for non-linear and concave cost functions on different segments. A linearization procedure along with two efficient variable-reduction heuristics was developed for its resolution, making use of recent results on polyhedral properties of this class of problems. Computational experience and a qualitative analysis from a case study on the Alpine freight network is provided.

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© Elsevier. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Transportation Research Part B-Methodological, 39 (5): 453-477 June 2005 and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trb.2004.07.001
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