Full diversity spatial multiplexing based on SISO channel coding, spatial spreading and delay diversity

Medles, Abdelkader;Slock, Dirk T M

The use of multiple transmitter and receiver antennas allows to transmit multiple signal streams in parallel and hence to increase communication capacity. To distribute the multiple signal streams over theMIMO channel, linear space-time codes have been shown to be a convenient way to reach high capacity gains with a reasonable complexity. The space-time codes that have been introduced so far are block codes, leading to the manipulation of possibly large matrices. To reduce complexity, we propose an approach based on spatial spreading and delay diversity. The approach allows full symbol rate transmission in the sense that the number of symbols transmitted per sample equals the number of transmit antennas. The approach allows furthermore for full diversity in the sense that each transmitted symbol passes through all channel elements in a uniform fashion. Some optimal and suboptimal receivers schemes are discussed also.

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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