DDR-based multicast protocol with dynamic core (DMPDC)

Wu, Shiyi;Bonnet, Christian

Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) needs special multicast routing protocols to adapt its characteristics, including local broadcast capacity, arbitrary topology change, bandwidth constraint and power limitation. This paper proposes a new multicast routing protocol called DDR-based Multicast Protocol using Dynamic Core (DMPDC) for MANET. The aim of this protocol is to find a tradeoff between routing overhead and data transmission for an efficient use of bandwidth and power. DMPDC benefits from a logical infrastructure offered by Distributed Dynamic Routing algorithm (DDR) and constructs a group-shared multicast tree with a dynamically selected core only when group traffic is present. DMPDC attempts to react more quickly to broken tree edges by detecting link failures during data forwarding. using a single channel, only internal tree nodes forward multi-cast packets. Benefiting from broadcast capability of MANETs,the latter approach proposes to use mesh - a connected graph for multicast traffic forwarding. Multicast packets are broadcast to node’s neighborhood. Only the neighbors who are also mesh members will react to non-duplicated multicast packets. Mesh structure offers redundant routes for data delivery which gives rich connectivity but involves more nodes for forwarding than tree structure. Therefore, tree-based approach is more efficient

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:

PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/686