3-D and virtual imaging (analysis and synthesis)


This course introduces the main concepts and techniques used in computer graphics and image synthesis. It focuses on 3D object modelling and advanced visualization methods used in 3D and Virtual imaging, scientific and information visualization, CAD, flight simulation, games, advertising and movie special effects. The courses mix theoretical and practical sessions and the project requires a student's personal involvement.

Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures, Lab sessions and project (groups of 2 to 4 students)

Course Policies: It is mandatory to:

  • Attend all the Lab sessions
  • Deliver a project movie and attend the project contest.



Basic Algebra and Geometry, Algorithmic notions


7 lectures sessions

  • Solid and surface modeling: CSG, B-rep, free-form surfaces, Voxel
  • Lightening models: Diffusion, specularity, refraction, reflection, radiosity
  • Basics 3D visualization algorithms: Transformations, shading, clipping, rendering, antialiasing
  • Advanced realistic 3D rendering algorithms: Cast shadowing, transparency, textures, ray tracing
  • Animation

3 Lab sessions 

  • Lightning and animation with Blender
  • Hierarchical modeling and animation with X3Dedit
  • Modeling, Lightning and 3D navigating with Hammer/BSPViewer

A project: the Maya Contest (4 sessions + personal work)

Students work in groups and have to produce an animated movie (DivX) using the Maya software. The movies are shown in an amphitheatre during a contest session.

Learning outcomes:  

  • Understand and master the major models and algorithms used in Computer Graphics.
  • Be able to relate the functionalities and limitations of 3D tools (Maya, Blender, Hammer, X3Dedit, VRML etc...) to the concepts studied during the lectures.
  • Work in groups in order to deliver an animated movie product with timing and technological constraints

Nb hours: 42.00 

  • 7 x 3 hours lectures
  • 3 x 3 hours labs
  • 4 x 3 hours project (plus personal work)

Evaluation: Final Exam (50% of the final grade), Group Project (35% of the final grade), Lab reports (15% of the final grade)