Large language models for base station siting: Intelligent deployment based on prompt or agent

Wang, Yanwu; Afzal, Muhammad M.; Li, Zhengyang; Zhou, Jie; Feng, Chenyuan; Guo, Shuaishuai
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN), 1 August 2024

Traditional base station siting (BSS) methods rely heavily on drive testing and user feedback, which are laborious and require extensive expertise in communication, networking, and optimization. As large language models (LLMs) and their associated technologies advance, particularly in the realms of prompt engineering and agent engineering, network optimization will witness a revolutionary approach. This approach entails the strategic use of well-crafted prompts to infuse human experience and knowledge into these sophisticated LLMs, and the deployment of autonomous agents as a communication bridge to seamlessly connect the machine language based LLMs with human users using natural language. This integration represents the future paradigm of artificial intelligence (AI) as a service and AI for more ease. As a preliminary exploration, this research first develops a novel LLM-empowered BSS optimization framework, and heuristically proposes four different potential implementa-tions: the strategies based on Prompt-optimized LLM (PoL), human-in-the-Loop LLM (HiLL), LLM-empowered autonomous BSS agent (LaBa), and Cooperative multiple LLM-based au-tonomous BSS agents (CLaBa). Through evaluation on real-world data, the experiments demonstrate that prompt-assisted LLMs and LLM-based agents can generate more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable network deployments, noticeably enhancing the efficiency of BSS optimization and reducing trivial manual participation.

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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