Keynote speech 1: Bag of visual soft biometrics for person identification: New trends and challenges

Dugelay, Jean-Luc

In this talk we seek to provide insight on the general topic of visual soft biometrics (gender, age, ethnicity, etc.). First, we present a new refined definition of soft biometrics, emphasizing on the aspect of human compliance, and then proceed to identify candidate traits that accept this novel definition. Second, we introduce some image processing techniques related to the estimation of some traits (weight, color of clothes, make-up, age and gender). Third, we address relations between traits and discuss associated benefits and limitations of these traits. We consider a new application, namely human identification solely carried out by a bag of facial, body and accessory soft biometric traits, and as an evidence of its practicality, we provide preliminary promising results. Finally, we conclude our presentation by some of our on-going activities in the domain of facial aesthetics based on facial soft biometric traits.

Kuala Lumpur
Sécurité numérique
Eurecom Ref:
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