A lightweight framework for efficient M2M device management in oneM2M architecture

Datta, Soumya Kanti; Bonnet, Christian
ISSNIP 2015, IEEE 10th International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, 7-9 April 2015, Singapore, Singapore

Recent years have witnessed an explosion in the number and types of physical devices connected to the Internet. This exponential growth in the volume of objects poses challenges in terms of managing the connected M2M devices. A unified approach for efficient management of the M2M devices while preserving scalability is necessary. This paper proposes an M2M device management framework that can be deployed in a cloud system, M2M gateway or even inside a mobile application. CoRE Link Format is used for lightweight description of smart M2M devices. The capabilities of CoRE Link are extended to describe legacy M2M devices as a part of Internet of Things ecosystem.
Open Mobile Alliance Lightweight M2M (OMA LwM2M) Technical Specifications are used in the framework to provide M2M service enablement for end users. Self-management of the M2M device configurations is outlined. The capabilities of the
framework are exposed using RESTful web services. oneM2M architecture for device management is described which integrates the proposed framework. Its software implementation is examined to be ultra-lightweight. Utilization of CoRE Link settles the heterogeneity of the managed devices and promotes interoperability. Finally the paper summarizes the contributions and concludes with future directions.

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