Secure product tracking in supply chain

Khalfaoui, Mehdi; Molva, Refik; Gomez, Laurent

Nowadays, the globalization has placed supply chains under major threats. Therefore, supply chain actors should ensure the safety of population and product, by being compliant with security, and quality regulations. In case of accident, the involved actors should answer
for the occurred defects. Keeping track of the supply chain operations is thus a mandatory requirement for accountability. In that context, product tracking comes as major requirement of supply chain. Product tracking ensures traceability by keeping track of all the operations performed on the product by each supply chain actor. However, tracking raises several security concerns, such as supply chain actors'privacy. Privacy required that only authorized actors must be able to identify the path taken by the product. An attacker must not be able to trace the product or the actors of the supply chain. In this paper, we propose a secure and efficient product tracking mechanism implemented using wireless sensor nodes. This mechanism aims at tracking goods, and actions performed by each actor of the supply chain, while preserving the actors'privacy. Our solution is based on generating identifiers of the actors and their activities using AND Anti collusion codes. The identifiers are encrypted using homomorphic encryption to ensure security against adversaries, and to be able to compress
the collected identifiers. In this work, wireless sensor nodes are not required to perform complex computation, which makes our solution feasible.

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