Low-latency transmission of low-rate analog sources

Unsal, Ayse; Knopp, Raymond

Asymptotically optimal schemes for both single and dual-source cases with low-latency are addressed in this research. Single-source two-way protocol with non-coherent reception is
introduced and its asymptotic behaviour is studied. The protocol consists of a data phase and a control phase which can go on up to N rounds. An upper bound on the distortion is derived for a two-round protocol. It is also extended to the case where there are two highly correlated analog sources one of which is uniformly distributed and the other one with a contaminated uniform distribution in the presence of two-sided feedback. Total energy used by protocol is fixed and the energy used by each source in both phases are derived individually. We have shown that it is possible to achieve the distortion bound of the singlesource with two highly correlated sources in two rounds.

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