Dynamic power management for the iterative decoding of turbo codes

Amador, Erick, Knopp, Raymond; Pacalet, Renaud; Rezard, Vincent

Turbo codes are presently ubiquitous in the context of mobile wireless communications among other application domains. A decoder for such codes is typically the most power

intensive component in the baseband processing chain of a wireless receiver. The iterative nature of these decoders represents a dynamic workload. This brief presents a dynamic power management policy for these decoders. An algorithm is proposed to tune a power manageable decoder according to a prediction of the workload involved within the decoding task. By reclaiming the timing slack left when operating the decoder at a high power mode, the proposed algorithm continuously looks for opportunities to switch to a lower power mode that guarantees the task completion. We apply this technique to an LTE Turbo decoder and explore the feasibility of a VLSI implementation on a CMOS technology of 65nm. Energy savings of up to 54% were achieved with a relatively low loss in error-correction performance.

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