Female facial aesthetics based on soft biometrics and photo-quality

Dantcheva, Antitza; Dugelay, Jean-Luc

Best Presentation Award

In this work we study the connection between subjective evaluation




of facial aesthetics and selected objective parameters




based on photo-quality and facial soft biometrics. The approach




is novel in that it jointly considers both previous results




on photo quality and beauty assessment, as well as it




incorporates non-permanent facial characteristics and expressions




in the context of female facial aesthetics. This study




helps us understand the role of this specific set of features in




affecting the way humans perceive facial images.




Based on the above objective parameters, we further construct




a simple linear metric that hints modifiable parameters




for aesthetics enhancement, as well as tunes soft biometric




systems that would seek to predict the way humans perceive




facial aesthetics.

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PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/3368