Dynamic topology implementation and maintenance for the CHORIST Network

Câmara, Daniel;Bonnet, Christian;Filali, Fethi
PIMRC'09, 20th IEEE international Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, September 13-16, Tokyo, Japan

This paper presents the implementation and evaluation of a distributed topology management algorithm for public safety networks (PSNs) to implement the CHORIST architecture1. Topology management for this kind of network is a mission critical problem, for a mission critical network. PSNs are the networks installed by the authorities to coordinate relief/rescue efforts in case of disasters. The main concerns for PSNs are rapid deployment and survivability. The whole operation and teams coordination schema depends on how well deployed the network was and how stable and reliable the network is during its lifetime. The more stable the network structure is in a rescue operation field the better. The proposed algorithm is able to dynamically adapt to the nodes mobility thus maintaining the desired topology

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