Underwater acoustic sensor networking using passive phase conjugation

Munir, Muhammad, Farukh;Xu, Hong;Filali, Fethi
ICC 2008, IEEE International Conference on Communications, May 19-23, 2008, Beijing, China

Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) consist of sensors that are deployed to perform collaborative monitoring of tasks over a given volume of water. The quality of the underwater acoustic link is highly unpredictable, since it mainly depends on fading and multipath, which are not easily modeled phenomena. This is return severely degrades the performance at higher layers such as extremely long and variable propagation delays. In addition, this variation is generally larger in horizontal links than in vertical ones. In this paper, we analyze a modulation scheme and associated receiver algorithms. This receiver design take advantage of the time reversal (phase conjugation) and properties of spread spectrum sequences known as Gold sequences. This technique improves the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver and reduces the bit error rate (BER). We then applied the phase conjugation to the case of network communication. We show that this approach can give almost zero BER for a 2-hop communication compared to single hop. This link layer information can be used at the network layer to formalize routing decisions. We show these improvements by means of analytical analysis and simulations.

Systèmes de Communication
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