Trajectory knowledge for improving topology management in mobile ad-hoc networks

Haerri, Jérôme;Nikaein, Navid;Bonnet, Christian
Research report RR-04-114

This paper presents a novel approach to topology management in mobile ad-hoc networks. We are proposing an algorithm that is able to construct and maintain a Connected Dominating Set (CDS), without using periodic beacons. By knowing the positions and velocities of its neighbors, a node is able to extract their linear trajectories. Based on this information, it obtains a local prediction of its neighborhood's evolution, and can thereafter proactively adapt the dominating set without relaying on periodic beacons. Maintenance will be driven as a per-event basis; it is only when a node changes course that messages are to be exchanged to adapt the CDS. The correctness of the algorithm is proven, and the complexity is compared with other topology management heuristics. Our approach is able to keep a stable time-changing CDS, and a low broadcasting overhead while having a lower complexity than other approaches.

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