Combining history-based trust establishment with distance-bounding protocols

Bussard, Laurent;Molva, Refik;Roudier, Yves

History-based trust establishment aims at using unlinkable
recommendations and proofs of context in order to build trust based on
human notions of trust: when two persons meet for the first time, they
exchange information on their acquaintances, interest and context in order
to find some shared experience on which to build trust. This paper
focuses on two central aspects of trust establishment: the history-based
trust establishment mechanism and the proof of locality viewed as an
important contextual attribute. We suggest a mechanism for proof of
locality based on a distance bounding protocol. The resulting proof of
locality as well as other attributes can then anonymously be combined
with our history-based scheme in order for each party to prove his attributes
without revealing his identity. The trust establishment scheme
relies on an extension of group signatures and thus inherits various privacy
attributes thereof.

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Eurecom Ref:
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