Experiences, strategies and challenges in building fault-tolerant CORBA systems

Felber, Pascal A;Narasimhan, Priya

It has been almost a decade since the earliest reliable CORBA implementation and, despite the adoption of the Fault-Tolerant CORBA (FT-CORBA) standard by the Object Management Group, CORBA is still not considered the preferred platform for building dependable distributed applications. Among the obstacles to FT-CORBA's widespread deployment are the complexity of the new standard, the lack of understanding in implementing and deploying reliable CORBA applications, and the fact that current FT-CORBA do not lend themselves readily to complex, real-world applications. In this paper, we candidly share our independent experiences as developers of two distinct reliable CORBA infrastructures (OGS and Eternal) and as contributors to the FT-CORBA standardization process. Our objective is to reveal the intricacies, challenges, and strategies in developing fault-tolerant CORBA systems, including our own. Starting with an overview of the new FT-CORBA standard, we discuss its limitati! ons, along with techniques for best exploiting it. We reflect on the difficulties that we have encountered in building dependable CORBA systems, the solutions that we developed to address these challenges, and the lessons that we learned. Finally, we highlight some of the open issues, such as nondeterminism and partitioning, that remain to be resolved.

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