A replicated architecture for the Domain Name System

Kangasharju, Jussi;Ross, Keith W
INFOCOM 2000, 19th Annual IEEE Conference on computer communications, March 26-30, 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel

We propose a new design for the Domain Name System (DNS) that takes advantage of recent advances in disk storage and multicast distribution technology. In essence, our design consists of geographically distributed servers, called replicated servers, each of which having a complete and up-to-date copy of the entire DNS database. To keep the replicated servers up-to-date, they distribute new resource records over a satellite channel or over terrestrial multicast. The design allows Web sites to dynamically wander and replicate themselves without having to change their URLs. The design can also significantly improve the Web surfing experience since it significantly reduces the DNS lookup delay.

Tel Aviv
Sécurité numérique
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