System and method for managing distribution of information in multi-antenna and multi-transmitter environments

Elia, Petros; Eleftherios, Lampiris
Patent US-11206514-B2, 21 December 2021



There is disclosed a process for communication between a wireless base station with L transmit antennas and a set of receiving nodes equipped with caches so that content from a set of files can be stored in these caches. By formulating a novel way of setting users in groups and storing content partially as function of this grouping, it is achieved to increase gains in terms of number of users served simultaneously compared to the state-of-art. The approach taken here makes use of the multiple transmit antennas to boost the number of multicasting users by up to L times compared to the state-of-art, thus reducing significantly the transmission time. The invention is also presented for i) wired communications, ii) multi-transmitter cooperative communications in both wireless or wired networks and iii) in a device-to-device setting where users desire to exchange files between one another.




Systèmes de Communication
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© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Patent US-11206514-B2, 21 December 2021 and is available at :