


  • UPRISE-IoT: EU CHIST-ERA - User-Centric Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things
  • TREDISEC: EU H2020 - Trust-aware, REliable and Distributed Information SEcurity in the Cloud
  • CLARUS: EU H2020 - User centred privacy and security in the cloud
  • UCN: EU ICT FP7 - User-Centric Networking
  • eBoB: Investissement d'Avenir - e-Business Optimization with Big Data


  • A4CLOUD: EU ICT FP7 - Accountability for Cloud Computing
  • PROSE: ANR Réseaux du Futur et Services - Content Shared Through P2P Recommendation & Opportunistic Social Environment
  • RECOGNITION: EU ICT FP7 - Relevance and Cognition for Self-Awareness in a Content-Centric Internet
  • SCORE@F: DGCIS FUI - VANET Field Operational Trial
  • CESSA: ANR - Compositional Evolution of Secure Services using Aspects
  • EIT-ICT Privacy-Preserving Smart Spaces
  • EVITA: EU IST FP7 - E-safety Vehicle Intrusion Protected Applications
  • RFID-AP: ANR - Project on RFID Authentication and Privacy
  • SOCIALNETS: EU FET FP7 - Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation
  • SPREADS: ANR Telecom - Secure P2P Reliable E-Architecture for Data Storage
  • HAGGLE: EU FET FP6 - Autonomic Opportunistic Communication
  • SPLASH: ACI Sécurité - Securing mobile ad hoc networks
  • ReSIST: EU FP6 NoE - Resilience for Survivability in IST
  • PACALAB: Trusted Operating Systems and Secure Applications
  • R4eGov: Towards e-Administration in the Large
  • EJUSTICE: Towards a global security and visibility framework for Justice in Europe
  • PRIME: PRivacy and Identity Management for Europe
  • MOSQUITO: EU IST FP6: MObile workers' Secure business applications in ubiQUITOus applications
  • MOSAIC: ACI Sécurité Informatique -  Mobile System Availability Integrity and Confidentiality
  • MOBILEMAN: EU FET - Mobile Metropolitan Ad hoc Network
  • WiTness: EU FP5 - Wireless Trust
  • I-CARE: RNRT - Infrastructure de Confiance sur des Architectures de Réseaux Internet et Mobile
  • ESW: i-Ten - European Social Web
  • SEVA: RNRT - Securing Extranets
  • BETEUS: EU - ATM deployment