UCN@Sophia Seminar Labex : Paul DE KERRET "Hierarchical transmission strategies cooperative networks decentralized channel state inform"

Data Science

Date: -
Location: Eurecom

Speaker: Paul de Kerret Date: Thursday, 2017-02-09 14:30 - 15:30 Location: EURECOM, room 101 Speaker : Paul DE KERRET EURECOM Abstract: Cooperation of transmitters in wireless networks has the potential to strongly improve the performance. Yet, it imposes strong requirements on the infrastructure. To meet the requirements, centralization of the processing in a so-called Cloud-RAN is a possible solution but it only comes with a high cost. Decentralized signal processing is therefore a practically relevant alternative. One of the main obstacle consists then in dealing with the fact that it is very possible that the distributed nodes will not be able to obtain the exact same channel estimate but will suffer from transmitter dependent CSI noise. In that scenario, we show that conventional transmission schemes suffer severe losses and we develop new transmission schemes improving the robustness of the transmission. Key of the improved performance is the stronger level of coordination between the transmitters which is achieved through the introduction of a hierarchy between the nodes. Speaker's bio: Paul de Kerret graduated in 2009 from TELECOM Bretagne in France, and obtained a diploma degree in Electrical Engineering and Information technology from the TU Munich in Germany with a specialization in information technoloy and signal processing. In december 2013, he obtained his doctorate under the supervision of David Gesbert. He is now a researcher at EURECOM and works within the 5-year ERC fundeded project PERFUME (High PERfomance FUture Mobile nEtworking). He has published more than 30 papers in IEEE international conferences and journals and participated in several collaborative FP7 European projects.