ZAYEN Bassem

La personne a quitté EURECOM
  • ZAYEN Bassem


He received his Engineer degree in Telecommunications at ENIT (Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis) in 2004 and his Master degree in Communication Systems in 2005.

He was a member in the research unit Signaux et Systèmes (U2S) at ENIT from September 2005 to September 2007, where he worked on adaptative equalization radio-mobile channels and audio watermarking. Meanwhile, he gave courses in telecommunications for two years at ENIT.

In October 2007, he joined the Mobile Communications department at EURECOM as a Ph.D. student. In November 2010, he obtained the Ph.D degree in electronic and communications from TELECOM ParisTech. During his doctoral studies, he worked on spectrum sensing and resource allocation for cognitive radio systems.

He returned to EURECOM’s Mobile Communications group in February 2011 as a Postdoc. He is working in real-time platform architectures and experimentation in cognitive radio systems. The main subjects investigated include calibration, localization, spectrum sensing, software radio architectures and implementation technology, physical-layer abstraction and emulation architectures for cognitive radio networks, and cellular technologies (LTE,LTE-Advanced).