Energy consumption speed-based routing for mobile ad hoc networks

Romdhani, Lamia;Bonnet, Christian
Accepted for IJWMC, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing special issue on 'Wireless Ad Hoc Networking'

This paper describes an adaptive routing mechanism based on the energy consumption rate of nodes for on-demand routing protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks. Our algorithm allows a fairly energy consumption during route establishment by building routes that are lower congested than the others. To do this, the congestion information is obtained from a computed cost that depends mainly on the energy consumption rate. The main features of our mechanism are that it is simple, efficient and it can be applied for any on-demand routing protocol. We evaluate through simulations the performance of the AODV routing protocol including our scheme, which we called AODV-energy, and we compare it with the basic AODV routing protocol. Results show that our new concept outperforms the basic AODV. Indeed, our scheme reduces to 20

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© Inderscience. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Accepted for IJWMC, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing special issue on 'Wireless Ad Hoc Networking' and is available at :