Fast stochastic exploration of P2P file distribution architectures

Carra, Damiano; Lo Cigno, Renato; Biersack, Ernst W
GLOBECOM 2006, 49th annual IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, November 27-December 1st, 2006, San Francisco, USA

In this paper we investigate which is the most efficient architecture and protocol that can be used for file distribution. The focus of the analysis is to understand not only the parameters that influence the distribution process (constraints on the number of neighbors, bandwidth heterogeneity, etc.), but also the impact of the peer behavior, such as selfishness or neighbor selection strategies. The analysis also compares different tree- and mesh-based distribution architectures. We developed an ad-hoc Monte-Carlo technique that is able to analyze scenarios with millions of peers, a network size that traditional discreteevent simulators are not able to treat. The results give an accurate view of the fundamental protocol parameters and policies that impact on the final performance and allow designers to devise improved protocols.

San Francisco
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