Maximizing multicell capacity using distributed power allocation and scheduling

Kiani, Saad G;Øien, Geir E;Gesbert, David
WCNC 2007, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, March 11-15, 2007, Hong-Kong

Joint optimization of transmit power and scheduling in wireless data networks promises significant system-wide capacity gains. However, this problem is known to be NP-hard and thus difficult to tackle in practice. We analyze this problem for the downlink of a multicell full reuse network with the goal of maximizing the overall network capacity. We propose a distributed power allocation and scheduling algorithm which provides significant capacity gain for any finite number of users. This distributed cell coordination scheme, in effect, achieves a form of dynamic spectral reuse, whereby the amount of reuse varies as a function of the underlying channel conditions and only limited inter-cell signaling is required.

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