Movement prediction-based routing (MOPR) concept for position-based routing in vehicular networks

Menouar, Hamid; Lenardi, Massimiliano; Filali, Fethi
WIVEC 2007, 1st IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications, 30th September-1st October 2007, Baltimore, USA

Nowadays, researchers show more and more interests to Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), which are a specific instance of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) where nodes are vehicles. In VANETs, vehicles have no energy resource constraint which could extend coverage and network lifetime, but have a high mobility patterns that cause frequent and fast topology changes. Consequently, VANETs have particular research interests, like dedicated MAC and routing optimization. In our previous work, we have proposed MOvement Predictionbased Routing (MOPR) concept for VANETs, which improves the routing process by selecting the most stable route in terms of lifetime with respect to the movement of vehicles. And in this paper, we present how this MOPR concept can be applied to position-based routing protocols, and how it improves their performances. Based on simulation results we compare MOPR with the position-based routing protocol GPSR and another movement-based routing protocol called MORA.

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