Migrating a honeypot to hardware

Pejovic, Vukasin;Kovacevic, Ivana;Bojanic, Slobodan;Popovic, Jelena;Nieto-Taladriz, Octavio;Leita, Corrado
SECURWARE 2007, International conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies, October 14-20, 2007, Valencia, Spain

A honeypot apparatus, as a perspective security technology has proven itself worth deploying by various malicious records made. The next step in deploying the technology can be an independent hardware device with the incorporated honeypot behaviour. Such a solution would bring an ease in deployment together with a high throughput it would be able to support to the area of network auditing and monitoring. Initial investigation and implementation steps have been conducted. A flexible base for a honeypot platform intended to be implemented on a modern Field Programmable Gate Array device, as a potential destination technology, has been developed. Correspondent results with a relevant set of details are being presented together with future perspectives and further investigation and deployment potential. No similar attempts have been documented.

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