Rate and power allocation for discrete-rate link adaptation

Gjendemsjo, Anders;Øien, Geir E;Alouini, Mohamed-Slim;Gesbert, David; Hole, Kjell J; Orten, Päl
EURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking, Volume 2008, Article ID 394124

Link adaptation, in particular adaptive coded modulation (ACM), is a promising tool for bandwidth-efficient transmission in a fading environment. The main motivation behind employing ACM schemes is to improve the spectral efficiency of wireless communication systems. In this paper, using a finite number of capacity achieving component codes, we propose new transmission schemes employing constant power transmission, as well as discrete-and continuous-power adaptation, for slowly varying flat-fading channels. We show that the proposed transmission schemes can achieve throughputs close to the Shannon limits of flat-fading channels using only a small number of codes. Specifically, using a fully discrete scheme with just four codes, each associated with four power levels, we achieve a spectral efficiency within 1 dB of the continuous-rate continuous-power Shannon capacity. Furthermore, when restricted to a fixed number of codes, the introduction of power adaptation has significant gains with respect to average spectral efficiency and probability of no transmission compared to a constant power scheme

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© Hindawi. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in EURASIP Journal on wireless communications and networking, Volume 2008, Article ID 394124 and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2008/394124
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