Fast available bandwidth sampling for ADSL links : rethinking the estimation for larger-scale measurements

Croce, Daniele;En-Najjary, Taoufik;Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume;Biersack, Ernst W
PAM 2009, 10th International Conference on Passive and Active Network Measurement, April 1-3rd, 2009, Seoul, South Korea, also published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 5448/2009

 Most existing tools for measuring the end-to-end available bandwidth require access to both end-hosts of the measured path, which severely restricts their usability. Few tools have been developed to overcome this limitation, but all of them focus on achieving high precision and are not suitable for large campaigns. In this paper we develop FAB-Probe, a tool aimed at characterizing the available bandwidth of a large number of paths, adapting it particularly for ADSL settings. FAB-Probe is an evolution of ABwProbe, a tool that estimates the available bandwidth in non-cooperative ADSL environments. Analyzing carefully the needs of such a characterization tool, we optimize and rethink ABwProbe for larger-scale measurements. The validation of FAB-Probe is obtained both “in-lab”, with ADSL hosts under our control, as well as under real traffic conditions, with the help of an ISP. Finally, as a proof of concept, we analyze the available bandwidth of over 1300 hosts participating to the KAD DHT used by eMule, periodically monitoring some static peers for over ten days.

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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in PAM 2009, 10th International Conference on Passive and Active Network Measurement, April 1-3rd, 2009, Seoul, South Korea, also published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 5448/2009
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