Distributed and centralized architectures for relay-aided cellular systems

Yilmaz, Erhan;Boccardi, Federico;Alexiou, Angeliki
VTC 2009-Spring. IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2009. April, 26-29, 2009, Barcelona, Spain





In this paper we propose a two-step distributed scheduling algorithm for relay-assisted cellular networks where a given user can be either served by the base station or by a relay, in a opportunistic way. Such a distributed approach allows a reduced feedback signaling with respect to the centralized case, especially when a simple scalar feedback is not sufficient for estimating the channel quality. As a result of the reduced feedback signaling requirements the system becomes more scalable, as new relays can be deployed where required without need of a careful network planning. We study the effectiveness of the proposal by means of a multicell simulator.













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