Parity-based loss recovery for reliable multicast transmission

Nonnenmacher, Jörg; Biersack, Ernst W; Towsley, Don
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 6, N°4, August 1998

IEEE Communications Society William R. Bennett best paper award

We investigate how FEC (Forward Error Correction) can be combined with ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request) to achieve scalable reliable multicast transmission. We consider the two scenarios where FEC is introduced as a transparent layer underneath a reliable multicast layer that uses ARQ, and where FEC and ARQ are both integrated into a single layer that uses the retransmission of parity data to recover from the loss of original data packets. To evaluate the performance improvements due to FEC, we consider different loss rates and different types of loss behaviors (spatially or temporally correlated loss, homogeneous or heterogeneous loss) for up to 10 6 receivers. Our results show that introducing FEC as a transparent layer below ARQ can improve multicast transmission efficiency and scalability. However there are substantial additional improvements when FEC and ARQ are integrated.

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