Location-dependent information extraction for positioning

Raspopoulos, Marios; Denis, Benoît; Laaraiedh, Mohamed; Domınguez, Jacobo; de Celis, Lorena; Slock, Dirk TM; Agapiou, George; Stephan, Julien; Stavrou, Stavros
ICL-GNSS 2012, IEEE International Conference on Localization and GNSS, June 25-27, 2012, Starnberg, Germany

This paper presents an overview of current research investigations within the WHERE-2 Project with respect to location-dependent information extraction and how this information

can be used towards the benefit of positioning. It is split into two main sections; the first one relies on non-radio means such as inertial sensors and prior knowledge about the environment geometry, which can be used in the form of map constraints to improve user positioning precision in indoor environments. The second section presents how location-specific radio information can be exploited in a more sophisticated way into advanced positioning algorithms. The intended solutions include exploitation of the slow fading dynamics in addition to the fast-fading parameters, adaptation of the system to its environment on both network and terminal sides and also how specific environmental

properties such as the dielectric wall parameters can be extracted and thereafter used for more accurate fingerprinting database generation using Ray Tracing modelling methods. Most of the techniques presented herein rely on real-life measurements or experiments.

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