The throughput of hybrid-ARQ protocols for the gaussian collision channel

Caire, Giuseppe;Tuninetti, Daniela
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 47 N°5 - July 2001

In next generation wireless communication systems, packet-oriented data transmission will be implemented in addition to standard mobile telephony. We take an information-theoretic view of some simple protocols for reliable packet communication based on "Hybrid-ARQ", over a slotted multiple access Gaussian channel with fading and study their throughput (total bit/s/Hz) and average delay under idealized but fairly general assumptions. As an application of the renewal-reward theorem, we obtain closed-form throughput formulas. Then, we consider asymptotic behaviors with respect to various system parameters. The throughput of ARQ protocols is compared to that of CDMA with conventional decoding. Interestingly, the ARQ systems are not interference-limited even if no multiuser detection or joint decoding is used, as opposed to conventional CDMA.

Systèmes de Communication
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