Point to multipoint transport in multichannel wireless environments

Khalife, Hicham,; Conan, Vania; Leguay, Jeremie; Spyropoulos, Thrasyvoulos
WCNC 2013, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, April 7-10, 2013, Shanghai, China

We propose a transport protocol capable of dynamically adapting to network and receiver properties in multidestination, multi-channel wireless networks. The key feature of our solution resides in its ability to convey common traffic to a group of users, while at the same time distributing information to each user as quickly as possible. This is achieved by clustering
receivers in groups, each group being served at a suitable throughput. We emphasize in this study on the two groups of receivers case. We show analytically and through OMNet++
simulations that groups formation is decided by the wireless link performance and the proportion of receivers constituting each group. Our solution captures dynamically these effects. Indeed,
our transport is capable to cope transparently with wireless links changes (i.e specturm handoff) by adapting dynamically its transmission rate and groups composition. It is therefore adapted
for point-to-multipoint cognitive radio networks.

Systèmes de Communication
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