Optimal streaming of layered video

Saparilla, Despina; Ross, Keith W
INFOCOM 2000, 19th Annual IEEE Conference on computer communications, March 26-30, 2000, Tel Aviv, Israel

This paper presents a model and theory for streaming layered video. We model the bandwidth available to the streaming application as a stochastic process whose statistical characteristics are unknown a priori. The ran-dom bandwidth models short term variations due to congestion control (such as TCP-friendly conformance). We suppose that the video has been encoded into a base and an enhancement layer, and that to decode the enhancement layer the base layer has to be available to the client. We make the natural assumption that the client has abundant local storage and attempts to prefetch as much of the video as possible during playback. At any instant of time, starvation can occur at the client in either of the two layers. We study the dynamic allocation of the available bandwidth to the two layers. For the case of an infinitely-long video, we find that the optimal policy takes on a surprisingly simple and static form. For finite-length videos, the optimal policy is a simple static policy when the enhancement layer is deemed at least as important as the base layer. When the base layer is more important, we design a threshold policy heuristic which switches between two static policies. We provide numerical results that compare the performance of no-prefetching, static and threshold policies.

Tel Aviv
Sécurité numérique
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