5G architectural design patterns

Katsalis, Kostas; Nikaein, Navid; Schiller, Eryk; Favraud, Romain; Braun, Torsten Ingo
ICC 2016, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 3rd International Workshop on 5G Architecture, 23-27 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In this work, we present novel Architectural Design Patterns towards open, cloud-based 5G communications. We provide a brief classification of technologies that cannot be
ignored in the design process of 5G systems and illustrate how a new technological added value can be created, when current methodologies, design paradigms, as well as design patterns and their extensions are properly exploited in efficient Radio Access Network (RAN) architectures. We believe that in many cases, the required technology is already there; nevertheless the correct approach has to be worked out and placed within an
appropriate context, especially in the case of the integration of complex RAN systems. The enhancements in RF optimization, the progress in cloud computing, Software Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), new design
concepts such as Network Slicing have to become part of the RAN design methodology. Diverse architectural concepts should break existing stereotypes to pave the way towards the true 5G system integration.

Kuala Lumpur
Systèmes de Communication
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