Behaviour of higher order blind source separation methods in the presence of cyclostationary correlated multipaths

Comon, Pierre; Chevalier, Pascal; Capdevielle, Véronique
HOST 1997, IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Higher-Order Statistics, July 21-23, 1997, Banff, Canada

Over the last decade, higher order (HO) methods have been strongly developed in particular to blindly separate instantaneous mixtures of statistically independent stationary sources. However, in many situations of practical interest, the received sources are (quasi)-cyclostationary (digital radiocommunications) and are not always statistically independent but may be correlated to each other, which occurs in particular for HF links or in mobile radiocommunications contexts where propagation multipaths are omnipresent. In such situations, the behaviour of the classical HO blind source separation methods is not known, which may be a limitation to the use of these methods in operational contexts. The purpose of this paper is precisely to fill the gap previously mentioned by analysing the behaviour, in radiocommunications contexts, of three classical HO blind source separation methods when several potentially correlated paths of each source, assumed (quasi)-cyclostationary, are received by the array

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