Spectrum management application - A tool for flexible and efficient resource utilization

Chang, Chia-Yu; Kulacz, Lukasz; Schmidt, Robert; Kliks, Adrian; Nikaein, Navid
GLOBECOM 2018, IEEE Global Communications Conference, 9-13 December 2018, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dynamic spectrum access and management is one key enabler to constitute the foundation for a multi-service architecture with a high level of flexibility. In this work, we design
and implement the spectrum management application (SMA) as an efficient tool to manage and process different policies and rules defined by various stakeholders such as national regulatory authorities, operators and licensed shared access. The SMA is
an open-source and clean-slate replacement for legacy platformdependent spectrum management solutions and can provide custom control programmability and agile resource utilization. We also elaborate on the design details of the SMA and show how
it can dynamically select the optimal spectrum offers based on different applied rules in time-series. Finally, we demonstrate two specific use cases via integrating the implemented SMA prototype on top of the Mosaic5G and OpenAirInterface platforms.

Abu Dhabi
Systèmes de Communication
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