Experiments in information visualisation using 3D metaphoric worlds

Russo dos Santos, Cristina;Abel, Pierre;Gros, Pascal;Loisel, Didier;Trichaud, Nicolas;Paris, Jean-Pierre
KMN 2000, Knowledge Management Networking, workshop of WET ICE 2000, June 14-16, 2000, Washington, USA

In this paper we present experiments concerning the use of three-dimensional (3D) visualization for representing information. These experiments were conducted in the context of the CyberNet research project. The CyberNet project is oriented toward the enhancement of the user interface of network management tools. Its aim is to study how metaphoric 3D visualization may help the user in the process of monitoring large amounts of dynamic information. Although the project focuses on a specific application domain, network management, the core framework is designed so that it can be applied to other domains, and the system may be accessed from a web browser, thus allowing for information and knowledge sharing.

Data Science
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