Multi-antenna and in-band full duplex radio techniques for spectrum sharing vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications

Slock, Dirk; Ratnarajah, Tharmalingam
VTC-Spring 2023, 97th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 20-23 June 2023, Florence, Italy

This tutorial will provide an overview of the following ingredients: 1) Key SS approaches (from cognitive radio to eLSA, CBRS, unlicensed access in 3GPP, WiFi-5G coexistence etc.); 2) to provide a recent advance on IBFD radio design in the frequency range 2 (FR2) band (≥25.250GHz); specifically, we review the antenna domain cancellation, wideband optical domain analog cancellation and digital domain cancellations. We will provide wideband hardware impairment models and hardware nonlinear effect models; 3) state-of-the-art Multi-userMIMO transmitter/receiver designs for various utility optimization problems, including distributed techniques, and imperfect CSIT accounting, up to non-coherent designs; 4) to lay out the basics concepts of IBFD integrated sensing and communication and summarize the key advantages V2X scenarios. This tutorial is partially based on (but goes much beyond) our recent edited book: Spectrum Sharing: The Next Frontier in Wireless Networks, Wiley, 2020. 

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