DSS: a deterministic and scalable QoS provisioning scheme

Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume; Biersack, Ernst W
COST 263, 2nd International Workshop on Quality of future Internet Services QofIS, September 24-26, 2001, Coimbra, Portugal | Also available as LNCS Volume 2156

The design of traffic management schemes for multimedia applications is a challenge for the future Internet. The main problem is the high burstiness of the multimedia traffic. Most of the traffic management schemes try to minimize the total bandwidth required to serve multimedia applications. However, these schemes typically suffer from a poor scalability. Rather than minimizing the burstiness of the multimedia sessions, we present an approach that tries to benefit from high variability of multimedia sessions to maximize the bandwidth offered to the best-effort traffic. The proposed scheme, called DSS, is based on shaping of the flows and on the use of the GPS scheduling policy in the routers. We show that DSS is highly scalable and that its bandwidth requirement for multimedia sessions remains reasonable, in particular smaller than the bandwidth requirement of RPPS.

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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in COST 263, 2nd International Workshop on Quality of future Internet Services QofIS, September 24-26, 2001, Coimbra, Portugal | Also available as LNCS Volume 2156 and is available at : https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45412-8_22

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