Adaptive power-aware metric in mobile ad hoc networks

Radosavac, Svetlana
Research report RR-01-059

Mobile Ad hoc networks consist of sets of mobile nodes that have batteries as sources of power. In addition to high error rates, constantly varying channels and limited bandwidth, a new constraint is imposed: limited energy supplies. Due to the limited transmission range of wireless network interfaces, multiple hops may be needed for nodes to
exchange data across the network. Using multiple hops may lead to over-using some nodes in the network which leads to early node death and shorter network lifetime. At this point of our research we concentrated on conservation of power in wireless ad-hoc networks by applying various metrics. Since one of the objectives of projecting wireless ad hoc networks is to obtain high throughput with optimal transmission power with lowest cost we exploited the best properties of power- and cost-aware routing to derive the new power-cost aware algorithm. The new power-cost aware algorithm significantly increases lifetime of nodes in the network and increases the overall lifetime of mobile network.

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© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Research report RR-01-059 and is available at :