Harmonizing efficiency and precision in semantic-bit coexisting communication systems

Feng, Biqian; Han, Xue; Feng, Chenyuan
WIOPT 2024, 22nd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad hoc, and Wireless Networks Workshop, 21-24 October 2024, Seoul, South Korea

As semantic communication advances, the next generation (6G) communication needs to intelligently manage the emerging semantic transmission alongside existing bit transmission to ensure flexibility and efficiency. This study concentrates on the coexistence of semantic- and bit- communications within multi-cell, multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (mm-MIMO) systems, aiming to coordinate the efficiency of emerging semantic communication with the bit-level accuracy of traditional digital communication. To this end, a multi-objective optimization framework is established to bolster the efficacy of both communication paradigms while adhering to the constraints of maximum transmit power and permissible transmission delay. To simplify the complexity of this problem, we apply the ϵ-constraint method, effectively converting the multi-objective problem into a singleobjective one. Subsequently, we implement a block coordinate descent (BCD) algorithm to alternately design the transceiver beamformer and the compression ratio of semantic communication alternately. Numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach compared to existing methods. Our
research sheds light on the coexistence and upgrading of future semantic-bit coexisting communications.

Systèmes de Communication
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