Distributing layered encoded video through caches

Kangasharju, Jussi; Hartanto, Felix; Reisslein, Martin; Ross, Keith W
IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 51, N°6, June 2002

The efficient distribution of stored information has become a major concern in the Internet which has increasingly become a vehicle for the transport of stored video. Because of the highly heterogeneous access to the Internet, researchers and engineers have argued for layered encoded video. In this paper, we investigate delivering layered encoded video using caches. Based on the stochastic knapsack theory, we develop a model for the layered video caching problem. We propose heuristics to determine which videos and which layers in the videos should be cached in order to maximize the revenue from the streaming service. We evaluate the performance of our heuristics through extensive numerical experiments. We find that, for typical scenarios, the revenue increases nearly logarithmically with the cache size and linearly with the link bandwidth that connects the cache to the origin servers. We also consider service models with request queuing and negotiations about the delivered stream quality and find that both extensions provide only small revenue increases.

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