Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet 2


This course provides a broad overview of computer networking, covering the Network layer, routing, and Link layer.

It covers basic concepts in computer networking as well as the prominent lower layer of Internet protocols.

Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures and lab. sessions (group of 2-3 students).

Course Policies: Attendance to the lab. sessions are mandatory.

  • Book: KUROSE J., ROSS K. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. (7th Edition) 6th Edition, Pearson, 2016, 864p.


Have followed the course “Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet 1” (IntroNet1).



  • Network layer and routing: IPv4, addressing and CIDR, Link-state routing theory and OSPF, distance-vector routing theory and RIP
  • Link layer: Error detection and correction techniques, multiple access protocols, LAN addressing and ARP, Ethernet, VLAN, Spanning Tree algorithm, WIFI.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Mastering basic concepts of the lower layers of networking and the Internet
  • Analysis of IP traces (including experimental know-how with Wireshark)
  • Able to set up a network using IP protocols. 

Nb hours: 21,00


  • Lab. reports (30% of the final grade)
  • Written exam (70% of the final grade)